1 Mar 2016

Council of International School’s report; Intercultural learning at Island School is Superb!

The organisations that accredit international schools CIS (Council of International School) and WASC

CIS and WASC members having lunch with the prefects

CIS and WASC members having lunch with the prefects

(Western Association of Schools and Colleges) completed their five year review on 24th Feb 2016.

Two visitors interviewed different members of the school’s community and observe school life, at the end of their visit they submitted a draft report, here are some of the headlines from their report.

Strengths / Outstanding features of IS……

Island School is different and stands out amongst other schools.

The school’s guiding values are lived throughout the school and understood by everyone we spoke to. The school’s values are simple and this has made them effective.
Click here to see the school’s values

The level of intercultural learning in the school is superb.

The level of professionalism and dedication of all staff is a real strength of the school.

Vice Principal Gareth Stevens said; “Thank you once again for contributing to make the 5 year review visit a success. All of the outstanding features of our school listed in the draft report are down to the hard work and dedication of all staff and so congratulations and well done!”